Sandwell College
Cadbury College

The challenge
Creating a safer, more sustainable place to learn
The Sandwell family of colleges in Birmingham is dedicated to providing a positive, inclusive learning environment for post-16 students.
At their Cadbury Sixth Form College in King’s Norton, they wanted to carry out much-needed repairs to the roof and infrastructure. At the same time, they wanted to upgrade the campus to boost energy efficiency and support a move towards zero carbon.
A previous consultant had prepared the project scope and secured funding, but a review found the proposed scope financially and operationally unachievable within the funding envelope. With a strong reputation in education construction, we stepped in to help.

The role we're playing
Acting as project manager and employer’s agent, Pulse Consult led significant scope review, extensive optioneering and full cost-benefit analysis. This enabled us to prioritise work, identify the most appropriate scope and make best use of limited funding to maximise campus improvements.
The heart of this education construction project has been the replacement of the main building’s leaking roof – which had been disrupting teaching for a long time – as well as site-wide electrical infrastructure and thermal efficiency upgrades.
Using a collaborative approach has been crucial in effectively managing the pre-construction scope changes and establishing strong on-site coordination. It also helped steer the project through a challenging period when illness meant there was no client team lead.
At every stage, we’re using detailed planning and coordination to make sure the college can remain fully operational, with no disruption to staff and pupils. It’s been especially important as so much work has needed to happen during term time and exam time.
Construction consultancy services provided on this project
- Project management consultancy
- Project programming & planning
- Stakeholder management
- Risk management
- Project governance
- Employer’s agent
- Planning & scheduling
- Scope & change management
- Document control
- Main contract tendering & tender analysis
- Contract administration

The results
The project’s on track for completion on time, on budget, and we’re getting positive feedback from the client team. We’re proud to say there’s been zero impact on teaching and exams to date, and the main college building is now watertight, safer and more energy efficient.
Not only will this help minimise ongoing energy costs, but by creating a more comfortable environment, it has the potential to support the College in recruiting new staff and students.
The stats
pupil spaces
m2 of roof replaced
improved thermal performance

Services provided for this project
Like to talk about construction consultancy for your next project?
Get in touch with Emma Atkins today.