
Equal opportunities policy

Statement of General Policy

Pulse Associates is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The aim of this policy is to provide equal opportunities to all in employment, irrespective of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. We oppose all forms of discrimination. 

All employees and job applicants, whether part time, full time or temporary, will be treated fairly and equally. Selection for employment, promotion, training, transfer or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude, ability, merit, qualification and fitness for the job.

All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation. 

Policy Implementation

The Managing Director, Ian Carey, has specific responsibility for Equal Opportunities matters and will ensure that the Policy is communicated to all employees and if possible, to all job applicants.

Pulse Associates has developed procedures, which supported by the company’s Organisational structure will best suit its particular needs and requirements. By adopting this approach, it is believed that the Company will create and promote the adoption of Equal Opportunities at work and ensure that all those employed or under its control become familiar with their Statutory Obligations under the current legislation.

The Company will provide all employees with training and guidance which may improve their prospects within the company, and which will enhance their understanding of the need for an Equal Opportunities Policy.

Periodically Pulse Associates will review selection criteria and procedures to maintain a system which ensures that individuals are selected, promoted and treated solely on the grounds of their merits and abilities which are appropriate for the job.

The Company will regularly monitor staff to identify any signs of inequality in recruitment, grading, pay and career progression, and take positive action to redress them.

Pulse Associates expects all management and employees to conform to this policy and accept responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this Policy. The Company is committed to a programme of action to make this policy effective. Breaches of our equal opportunity policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings and dismissal.

The policy will be monitored and reviewed at least annually.

1. Programme of Action

Pulse Associates’ aims are: 

To recruit employees on a fair and non-discriminatory basis

  • Use a wide range of organisations to advertise its vacancies (e.g. job centres, local press, career offices, specialist publications) with the aim to attract interest of a wider community
  • Ensure that the wording of job adverts does not place unfair restrictions or requirements on a particular group or groups which are not necessary for the effective performance of the job for example: We are committed to equal opportunities and welcome applications from all sectors of the community.
  • Ensure that the adverts include wording demonstrating the Company’s commitment to equality of opportunity and encouraging application from unrepresented groups for jobs with the company for example: Applications for this position are particularly welcome from people with an ethnic minority background and people with disabilities, as they are currently under represented in our workforce.
  • Recruitment only by “word of mouth”, which is unlawful, will not be practised by the company since may restrict diversity
  • All persons responsible for recruitment, selection, promotion and transfer of staff will receive ongoing training in equal opportunities to stay current with legislation and to develop the necessary skills to translate equal opportunities in employment policy into practice. 

To select employees on a fair and non-discriminatory basis

  • The Company will measure the suitability of each applicant/candidate against the requirement for the job.

To promote employees on a fair and non-discriminatory basis

  • Promotion criteria are based specifically on the individual’s aptitude, ability, merit, qualification and fitness for the job. The Company will periodically review promotion procedures. Records will be kept.

Where necessary, to transfer employees on a fair and non-discriminatory basis

  • The Company will not automatically transfer employees who complaint of racial discrimination. The Company will periodically review its criteria for transferring employees. Records will be kept.

Ensure that all its employees have equal access to training and development opportunities. Records will be kept.

2. Unacceptable Behaviour

Every employee is entitled to a working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.

Any behaviour that does not respect the rights of others, or that harasses, vilifies or discriminates against others, including threatening or violent behaviour is unacceptable at Pulse Associates and serious action will be taken against those responsible. Unacceptable behaviour will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings and dismissal.

3. Harassment

Harassment is a type of direct discrimination if the victim can show that the behaviour caused injury to feelings.

Harassment is broadly defined as any behaviour which is uninvited, unwelcome, unreciprocated, unreasonable, and embarrasses, offends, humiliates, intimidates or threatens the recipient.

Whether the action was intended to cause offence or not does not matter – if the employee being subjected to the behaviour finds it unacceptable and he or she feels damaged or harmed by it, this constitutes potential harassment. 

Harassment is normally characterised by more than one incident of unacceptable behaviour, but in some circumstances just one instance may constitute harassment if it is sufficiently serious.

All harassment is intolerable, but it is also against the law to harass a person or group of people on the grounds of their a age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. 

Pulse Associates will not tolerate harassment.

4. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment by staff of customers and by customers of staff will not be permitted.

Sexual harassment can include:

  • Avoid comments about the way the person looks
  • Refrain from indecent remarks
  • Questions or comments about the person's sex life
  • Requests for sexual favours
  • Sexual demands
  • Any conduct of a discriminating, demeaning or sexual nature which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment.
  • It is most often women who are subjected to sexual harassment, but men too can be sexually harassed.
  • It is the person at the receiving end of any such behaviour that will decide whether she or he finds it unacceptable.

Pulse Associates will not tolerate sexual harassment.

5. Bullying

Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person. Examples of bullying other people are by:

  • Calling them names
  • Saying or writing nasty things about them
  • Leaving them out of activities
  • Threatening them or not talking to them
  • Making them feel uncomfortable or scared
  • Taking or damaging their things
  • Hitting or kicking them
  • Making them do things they don't want to do

Pulse Associates will not tolerate bullying.

6. Vilification

Vilification is generally any act that happens publicly as opposed to privately, and that could encourage or stir up others to hate, have serious contempt for, or severely ridicule a person, or a group of people, because of their race, nationality, decent, ethnic or ethno-religious background, or because they are thought to be of these backgrounds.

Pulse Associates will not tolerate vilification.

7. Victimisation

Victimisation occurs when you are treated less favourably than others because you acted in good faith to assert your rights under the Sexual Discrimination Act or Equal Pay Act.

It is unlawful to victimise any individual who has pursued, complaint or alleged discrimination.

Pulse Associates will not discriminate against employees who have taken a case of sex discrimination, marriage discrimination or equal pay and/or people who have helped by giving evidence or providing information to a Tribunal.

Pulse Associates will not tolerate victimisation.

8. Complaints Procedure

Many grievances can be dealt with informally by an immediate manager. Encouraging members of staff to raise their concerns in this way, as a first step, often leads to a quick solution, without the need for intervention by senior members of the company. Both manager and employee will keep a note of their meeting.

If an employee is harassed by a customer, client, supplier, sub-contractor or member of the public then the immediate manager will take proper and immediate steps to protect the employee.

The procedure for dealing with complaints of discrimination covers both the employee and the customer. The procedure will be treated seriously and sympathetically. The Company will ensure that any complaint is dealt with promptly and carefully. The investigation should be carried out objectively and independently, and by someone with sufficient authority to be able to handle the matter effectively. Records should be kept.

If a complaint is upheld and the harasser is an employee, the harasser should be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure.

Employees should complain formally to the immediate manager. If the grievance is against the immediate manager, it should be raised with a more senior manager.  Managers will invite the employee to a hearing to discuss the grievance.

Wherever possible the company will provide for a manager of the same sex as the complainant to hear the complaint.

If dismissal is a possible outcome, it is important that the usual procedures should be followed i.e. an investigation and a proper hearing at which the alleged harasser can comment on the case.

The Organisation will ensure that any panel set up to investigate the complaint has at least as many women as men on it.

The firm will ensure that procedures set out a time frame for the investigation. The complainant and the alleged harasser should be told at the outset how long the investigation is likely to take and who will be communicating with them. Complainants should be kept well-informed at every stage

If informal discussions are not successful, procedures for dealing with complaints of discrimination, grievances and disciplinary measures including resignations, redundancies and dismissals are covered in our grievances and disciplinary procedures (see separate document).

9. Promoting Equal Opportunities

This policy is fully supported by senior management and has been agreed with employee representatives.

Pulse Associates will aim to:

  • Treat each other with respect
  • Try to understand other’s beliefs
  • Aim to give everyone equal access to work
  • Promote a fair and equal society
  • Consider if our actions and decisions could affect some groups differently and make them worse off
  • Report harassment or discrimination
  • Treat every complaint of harassment seriously and investigate it sensitively
  • Make our working and living environment welcoming to everybody

10. Communication of this policy

Pulse Associates will ensure:

  • A copy of the Equal Opportunities Company Policy and relevant literature is displayed on the Notice Board at the main office, it is available in our company intranet system and website
  • The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision of new employees and ensure the availability of for suitable and sufficient information
  • All employees will be issued with a copy of the Equal Opportunities for their reference.  A receipt will be obtained and held in the Office files
  • Records of all Equal Opportunities training are kept in the Office files
  • The Company will ensure that the information and guidance given within the manual is continually reviewed and updated. Additional procedures and guidance notes will be issued to cover new fields of activity not previously covered
  • In addition, information posters will be displayed in the workplace where necessary